
Matching of absolute observatory magnetometers was held at Borok IFZ RAN (Yaroslavskaya oblast) on September 28-29, 2024, organized by the Geophysical Center RAN and Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS

Oct 3, 2024

The main task of the matching is the assessment of statistical errors of the magnetometers. The most recently, such a matching was made in 2017 at Arti observatory of the Institute of Geophysics UrO RAS. In the world practice of magnetic observations, such events are organized every two years under IAGA, the latest was organized in May 2023 in Hungary and the next is planned to take place in November 2024 in Brazil. ...
Researchers of IKIR FEB RAS participated in the International Conference “Science on Data, Geoiformatics and System Analysis in the Investigations of the Earth” in Suzdal

Oct 2, 2024

The event was held on 25-27 September, 2024, and was devoted to the 70-th anniversary of the Geophysical Center of RAS (GC RAS) and to the 300-th year anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Leading researchers of Russia and from abroad met in Suzdal to discuss the problems of statistical analysis, geoinformatics, theory and practice of big data in the sciences on the Earth. The Conference was notable for the wast geography of the participants and very intensive work schedule (more than 130 were made at eight scientific sections during the two days). ...
A delegation of scientists from China visited IKIR FEB RAS within the framework of the Agreement on international cooperation

Sep 24, 2024

During the Chinese-Russian Symposium on Space and Geophysics in Kamchatka, scientists from the National space science center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu University of Technology, Institute of Earthquake Forecasting of the China Earthquake Administration, Institute of Geophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences together with the researchers from IKIR FEB RAS have discuss the following issues: - electrostatic and geophysical monitoring of the Earth; - impact of seismic and solar activities on the atmospheric electric field; - application of different analysis methods for ...
Joint scientific study with the researchers from Uzbekistan republic

Sep 17, 2024

Cooperation in the field of mathematical research continues within the framework of the Agrement between the V.I. Romanovskiy Institute of Mathematics (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) and IKIR FEB RAS. The Journal Fractal and Fractional (сентябрь, 2024 г.) published a joint paper by Russian and Uzbekistan researchers опубликована совместная статья российских и узбекских учёных "Non-Local Problems for the Fractional Order Diffusion Equation and the Degenerate Hyperbolic Equation", the authors are M Ruziev, R. Parovik, R. Zunnonov, N. Yuldasheva. ...
"ABMSelkovFracSim – software complex for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the fractional dynamic Selkov system” has been developed

Sep 16, 2024

ABMSelkovFracSim software complex makes it possible to estimate according to to Adams-Bashforth-Moulton numerical algorithm of Cauchy problem for fractional dynamic Selkov system. Author: Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Modeling of Physical Processes of IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.). Using numerical estimates, the solution of the problem under consideration is visualized. Oscillograms and phase trajectories are built. A user can select model parameter values and the form of some functions included into model equations. ...
Scientists in Kamchatka provide complex investigations of space and geospheres in the Far Eastern region of Russia

Aug 9, 2024

The Head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Falkov Valeriy, visited the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS (IKIR FEB RAS), which is a part of the Heliogeophysical complex of Russia. Four observatories carry out their investigations on the basis of IKIR FEB RAS. They form a unique network of complex research of the atmosphere and the ionosphere in the Far East and in the eastern part of the Arctic Region. ...
Software "SMCC – calculation of cascade model coefficients» has been developed

Jul 19, 2024

Authors: Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of physical process modeling of IKIR FEB RAS, Cand. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Vodinchar Gleb Mikhailovich, and the Researcher of the Laboratory of physical process modeling of IKIR FEB RAS, Cand. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Feshchenko Lubov Konstantinovna. The authors develop a technology for construction of one type of small-scale turbulence models. Each of such models is a system of ordinary quadratic nonlinear differential equations. Development of a new cascade model requires quite complicated analytical transformations. ...
Software to identify the disturbances in ionospheric E and F regions, preceding seismic activity intensification, has been developed

Jul 15, 2024

The author is the Researcher of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of IKIR FEB RAS, Pavlov Alexey. The software is aimed at identifying disturbances in ionospheric E and F regions on the basis of analysis of foEs, fbEs, fmin, h'Es, foE, foF2, h'F, hmF2 parameters deviations from their background values, which can be considered as possible ionospheric precursors of earthquakes under specified geomagnetic activity levels. Geomagnetic activity levels can be specified in the software by K, Kp, ap, Ap and Dst indexes. ...
Software "QAMODEL – Qualitative analysis of a mathematical model of high-frequency geoacoustic emission" has been developed

Jun 19, 2024

The authors are the programmer of the Laboratory of Acoustic Research of IKIR FEB RAS, Sergienko Darya, and the Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Physical Process Modeling of IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. Of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Parovik Roman. The software title «QAMODEL» stands for «Qualitative analysis of a mathematical model of high-frequency geoacoustic emission». ...
Software for analogue-digital conversion of geophysical measurement complex has been developed

Jun 13, 2024

The author is the Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of System Analysis of IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Smirnov Sergey. The software has been developed for analogue-digital conversion of 16-channel signal with the sampling frequency of 1 sec and higher by the LCARD AD converter. It is operating continuously in the observatory regime and makes it possible to control the quality of the obtained data by third-party programs. The software is used at the observatory and at expedition geophysical sites and can be used in other regions. ...
The honorary title "Professor of FEB RAS" was conferred to the Leading Researcher of IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Parovik Roman Ivanovich

Jun 4, 2024

The honorary title was established in October 2023. According to the corresponding policy directive, it is conferred at a general meeting of the Far Eastern Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences to the Russian Scientists who work in the regions of the Far East, in particular, in Primorskiy, Khabarovskiy, Kamchatskiy kray, Amurskaya, Sakhalinskaya, Magadanskaya oblast, in Evreiskaya avtonomiya and Chukotskiy avtonomniy okrug. ...
"Software for automatization of theoretical estimates of empirical laws of aftershock expectance time distributions and parameters of Mittag-Leffler approximating function" has been developed

Jun 3, 2024

The author is a researcher of the Laboratory of Physical Process Modeling of IKIR FEB RAS, Cand. of Sci. (Tech.), Sheremeteva Olga Vladimirovna. The software is aimed at automatization of theoretical estimates required for construction of empirical laws of aftershock expectance time distributions in the subduction zone of Kurils-Kamchatka island arc based on the data of Kamchatka Branch of Geophysical Survey Service RAS ( and their approximation by the Mittag-Leffler function. ...
Software "NMHS-numerical modeling of a hereditary system by multi-step method" has been developed

May 23, 2024

The author is a senior researcher of the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Radiation IKIR FEB RAS, Kazakov Evgeniy Anatolevich. The software is aimed at numerical modeling of dynamic regimes of a hereditary two-dimensional system described by integro-defferential equations. This system was proposed by the author of the software as dynamo hereditary model. Two phase variables describe time dynamics of field toroidal and poloidal components, the integrator models hereditary suppression of square alpha effect from phase variables. ...
Magnetic storm on 10-12 May 2024

May 14, 2024

A magnetic storm, the strongest one for the last 20 years, began at about 17:00 UT on 10 May 2024. According to Space Weather Scale, the storm had the highest G5 class (extreme) during two days. Development of this unique event according to the results of magnetic field monitoring at IKIR FEB RAS observatories is illustrated in the figures. It is clear that field variations during the storm are one order and more higher than calm field variations and increase very rapidly with latitude. The source of these disturbances is the Sun. ...
The Leading Researcher of IKIR FEB RAS, Parovik Roman, in Tashkent

May 2, 2024

The Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Physical Process Modeling of IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Parovik Roman, had a meeting with the students of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I. M. Gubkin in Tashkent city (Republic of Uzbekistan). Parovik Roman made a presentation about the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS, about its structure and scientific directions. He told about scientific problems solved at the Laboratory of Physical Process Modeling. ...
The first place in the Conference-Competition «Modern technologies in computer programming theory and practice»!

Apr 27, 2024

The Researcher of the Laboratory of System Analysis of IKIR FEB RAS, Mandrikova Bogdana, won the first place in the Conference-Competition «Modern technologies in computer programming theory and practice»! The Conference was hosted by the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The report’s title is «Complex algorithm for detection of different-scale anomalies in natural signals». Detailed information on the Conference is available at the link. Congratulations!
Method and algorithm for analysis of cosmic ray signals in the problems of anomaly detection

Apr 11, 2024

The Researcher of the Laboratory of System Analysis of IKIR FEB RAS, Mandrikova Bogdana Sergeevna, made a presentation on the subject of her dissertation for the Candidate degree «Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning» at the Scientific Seminar. The investigation direction is the development of theoretical and software tools for analysis of natural data and detection of anomalies. The investigation object is the neutron monitor data. ...
Hybrid Model of Natural Time Series with Neural Network Component and Adaptive Nonlinear Scheme: Application for Anomaly Detection

Apr 9, 2024

It is often difficult to describe natural time series due to implicit dependences and correlated noise. During anomalous natural processes, anomalous features appear in data. They have a nonstationary structure and do not allow us to apply traditional methods for time series modeling. In order to solve these problems, new models, adequately describing natural data, are required. A new hybrid model of a time series (HMTS) with a nonstationary structure is proposed in this paper. The HMTS has regular and anomalous components. ...
Elements of the decision theory. Application in the problem of natural data analysis

Apr 4, 2024

The Main Researcher of the Laboratory of System Analysis of IKIR FEB RAS, Mandrikova Oksana Viktorova, made a presentation at the Scientific Seminar. Her report was devoted to the general principles and approaches of the decision theory. The ways to minimize the risks in the conditions of incomplete knowledge were considered. Examples of application of this theory in combination with the methods of machine learning and digital signal processing were presented.
Scientific Journal «Bulletin KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences» has been placed at RCSI platform

Mar 25, 2024

Russian Fund for Basic Research was founded in 1992. In 2022 it was renamed to the Russian Center for Scientific Information (RCSI). RCSI realizes information and analytical support for the Committee on scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation and the Councils on priority areas of scientific-technological development. The Center also promotes the development of scientific diplomacy including representation in international scientific organizations, institutions and associations. ...
Low-mode hereditary models of cosmic dynamo

Mar 21, 2024

The report has been made today at the scientific seminar by the Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Radiation of IKIR FEB RAS, Kazakov Evgeniy Anatolevich. Results on the study of one class of cosmic dynamo system hereditary models, based on Galerkin two-mode approximations of dynamo equations, were presented. Hereditarity (memory) in models is presented in the mechanism of alpha-effect suppression by large-scale noise. ...
«Acoustic pulse database obtained in the result of investigations of geomaterials in three-point bending experiments» has been formed

Mar 18, 2024

The database was organized on the basis of the results of laboratory three-point bending experiments carried out with granite samples. Sample structure transforms when subjected to loading and deformation in the course of the experiments. As the consequence, acoustic emission is observed. It is characterized by acoustic pulse series. An acoustic pulse database was formed for further qualitative analysis and comparison of results. The databases contains amplitude-time descriptions and types of acoustic pulses, the bearing of their sources. ...
Two reports were presented at the scientific seminar which took place on March 14, 2014, at IKIR FEB RAS conference hall

Mar 15, 2024

The first presentation was devoted to the analysis of wide-band VLF signals of natural origin taking into account regional features of Kamchatka region. It was presented by the Researcher of the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Radiation of IKIR FEB RAS, Malkin Evgeniy Ilich. The presentation explained the mechanism of two-stage scenario of thunderstorm formation in eruptive clouds, showed the peculiarities of detection of whistler generation sources during Kamchatka volcano eruptions, analyzed the relation of sprites with whistlers. ...
Researcher from IKIR FEB RAS was awarded a letter of appreciation for the course «Olympiad Physics» for school students

Mar 4, 2024

The researcher from IKIR FEB RAS, Malkin Evgeniy, has been teaching a special course «Olympiad Physics» in the Education Center «Evrika» in order to form the students' demand to obtain knowledge in the field of physics sciences, to improve the level of obtained knowledge applying experimental physics and to have the capabilities to participate in school olympiads. School students pass their exams successfully and enter the leading Universities of the Russian Federation. ...
Radio sounding of atmospheric inhomogeneities in an earthquake preparation region

Feb 29, 2024

The Seminar took place in the conference hall of IKIR FEB RAS*. The presentation was made by Shevtsov Boris Mikhailovich (Laboratory of Electromagnetic Radiation IKIR FEB RAS). Abstract: It is assumed that ionospheric-lithospheric interaction in the earthquake preparation region occurs via atmospheric inhomogeneities, the nature of which is of interest for the investigation of seismic event precursors. Methods of remote sounding of atmospheric inhomogeneities by radio signals of lightning strokes, satellites and radio station are under consideration. ...
Categorization of the Scientific Journal «Bulletin of KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences»

Feb 5, 2024

A system for categorization for Russian scientific journals has been introduced in Russia. The matter concerns a list of scientific journals, which are recommended by the Higher Attestation Committee (HAC), to publish academic dissertation results that is required in order to be allowed to defend one’s work. Such journals are divided into groups depending on their significance in the scientific community. ...
Intelligent methods for natural data analysis: application to space weather

Jan 24, 2024

The paper describes methods for detecting anomalies in geophysical monitoring data. This work studies a highly relevant class of problems in this area, aimed at creating methods for space weather forecasting. The negative impact of space weather anomalies on human health and practically all modern infrastructure objects requires the development of methods and the creation of effective means of detecting anomalies. ...
Parovik Roman has been awarded a medal «Best Scientist 2023» of the International Competition for the researchers from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Jan 23, 2024

The best applications and innovation ideas of the researchers from the CIS were selected within the competition organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Republic and the Association of legal entities in the form of the Association ««Bobek» national movement» to support science and education. One of the applications was the paper by IKIR FEB RAS leading researcher, Dr. of Phys.-Math. Sci. Parovik Roman. It was accepted for publication in the II number of the International competition «Best Scientist 2023» for the researchers from CIS. Our congratulations!
Sanctions on magnetic data of the Russian observatories of INTERMAGET network

Jan 16, 2024

INTERMAGNET Executive Council and Operations Committee had a meeting at the end of May 2023 in Sopron (Hungary). The public edition of the INTERMAGNET meeting was recently published on the site In particular, the issue on the status of Russian magnetic observatories, certified as INTERMAGNET members (IMO), was under the discussion. Thee options were suggested. 1) Continue as normal; accept data that is being provided and accept that any definitive data submissions will not be checked. ...
Proceedings of the XIII International Conference «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquake Precursors» have been published in "Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences"

Jan 9, 2024

Proceedings on the results of original investigations of physical processes in various layers of the atmosphere, near-Earth space and the solid Earth are presented. Issues of solar activity impact on the Earth magnetosphere and ionosphere are considered. Modern methods of geophysical data acquisition, processing, transfer and exchange are under discussion. Please, see the full information about the volume at link
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dec 28, 2023



Fractional Criticality Theory and Its Application in Seismology

Dec 25, 2023

To understand how the temporal non-locality («memory») properties of a process affect its critical regimes, the power-law compound and time-fractional Poisson process is presented as a universal hereditary model of criticality. Seismicity is considered as an application of the theory of criticality. On the basis of the proposed hereditarian criticality model, the critical regimes of seismicity are investigated. It is shown that the seismic process has the property of «memory» (non-locality over time) and statistical time-dependence of events. ...
A magnetic storm with gradual commencement is developing in Khabarovsk kray and in Kamchatka

Dec 18, 2023

Based on Aurora system data, a magnetic storm with gradual commencement is developing in Khabarovsk kray and in Kamchatka. Forbush decreases in cosmic rays, recorded about 10-12 hours before at Inuvik and Apatyty stations, were the storm precursors. Short-period geomagnetic disturbances of low and average power occurred simultaneously. There is an insignificant anomalous decrease in the ionosphere. The data are presented by the Laboratory of System Analysis of IKIR FEB RAS. Storm development is clearly observed in the system
Strong magnetic storm is developing in Kamchatka and in Magadan region

Dec 13, 2023

Clear precursors of a storm appeared in Avrora system about 6-7 hours ago. Strong disturbances in the ionosphere occurred 18-20 hours before the event. Short-period geomagnetic disturbances of low intensity appeared 2-3 hours before the storm at Paratunka and Magadan stations. Forbush decrease in cosmic rays (at Inuvik and Apatity) was recorded simultaneously. The storm is developing now. Storm precursors and the development beginning are clearly seen in the system ...
International Scientific Conference «Nonlocal boundary problems and related problems of mathematical biology, informatics and physics» (B&NAK 2023)

Dec 12, 2023

Researchers of IKIR FEB RAS participated in the VII International Scientific Conference «Nonlocal boundary problems and related problems of mathematical biology, informatics and physics» (B&NAK 2023), timed to the 85-year birth anniversary of Adam Maremovich Nakhushev. The conference took place on 4-8 December 2023 at the Institute of applied mathematics and automation KBNTs RAN, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarskaya Republic. ...
International Scientific Conference «Current problems of differential equations and their application»

Nov 28, 2023

Scientists from IKIR FEB RAS participated in the International Scientific Conference «Current problems of differential equations and their application» which marks the 90-year birth anniversary of Makhmud Salakhitdinovich Salakhitdinov, the academician of Uzbekistan Republic Academy of Sciences. The conference took place on November 23-25, 2023 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan Republic. Presentations were made during the section «Computational mathematics and mathematical modeling» under the chairmanship of Prof. Khayotov A.R. Parovik Roman Ivanovich, Dr. of Phys.-Math. Sci. ...
International Competition «Best Scientist 2023» for researchers from CIS countries

Nov 9, 2023

Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Republic organized the competition «Best Scientist 2023» for the researchers from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States to support science and education and to determine the best innovation ideas. The competition was organized in the format of association ««Bobek» national movement» by the Association of legal entities. Best applications were selected for the participation in the Project. One of them was the paper by IKIR FEB RAS leading researcher, Dr. of Phys.-Math. Sci. Parovik Roman Ivanovich. ...
Presentation «Small-mode hereditary models of space dynamo» will be made at the seminar on November 11, 2023

Nov 8, 2023

Kazakov Evgeniy, researcher of the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Radiation of IKIR FEB RAS, will make a presentation at the regular session of the seminar «Modern problems of mathematical Physics» (Institute of Mathematics by V.I. Romanovskiy of Uzbekistan Republic Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation KBNTs RAN) on November 15, 2023 at 16:00 (Tashkent time (GMT+5), 14:00 Moscow time). ...
Magnetic storm on November 5, 2023 in Kamchatka

Nov 7, 2023

A strong magnetic storm was recorded on November 5, 2023 on the Earth. Based on Paratunka Geophysical Observatory data, local K-index of geomagnetic activity reached the value 6 (within the range 0-9, K=9 is typical of extremely strong storms). Last time, the magnitude K=6 was recorded at Paratunka on February 25, 2023 ( The magnetic disturbances were accompanied by intensive aurora, which was also observed at mid-latitudes. ...
The exposition «A decay of science and technologies» will open its doors on November 4, 2023 at VDNH pavilion 57 «Russia is my history»

Nov 2, 2023

On November 4, the National Unity Day, International Russia Expo will be opened on the territory of VDNH, Moscow. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation will present an interactive exposition «A decay of science and technologies» in the pavilion 57. Its main aim is to tell the guests about the achievements and perspectives of еру national science and to involve young generation into the sphere of research and developments. International Russia Expo site is
Magnetic Field Dynamical Regimes in a Large-Scale Low-Mode αΩ-Dynamo Model with Hereditary α-Quenching by Field Energy are under the study

Nov 1, 2023

The researcher of IKIR FEB RAS, Sheremetyeva Olga, investigated the stability of MHD-system solution depending on control parameters and kernel parameters. Based on the results of numerical modeling of dynamic regimes, limits for model parameter values were determined, for which the regimes are reproduced at the background of low oscillations of viscous fluid velocity field. The paper investigates the question of changing the pattern on the phase plane depending on the values of the damping coefficient, damping frequency, and waiting time. The paper is available at https://www.mdpi. ...
SAPIWI program has been developed to model atmospherics propagation in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide with non-uniform conductivity

Oct 26, 2023

The program makes it possible to model atmospherics propagation as electromagnetic wide-band signal though the natural Earth-ionosphere waveguide with inhomogeneities in 2-D waveguide section orthogonal to the Earth. Mathematical modeling is implemented on the basis of Maxwell equation. Inhomogeneities are set on the basis of ABC and PML principles. The software realizes numerical solution of the model by FD-TD method. ...
The program has been developed to identify seismic-ionospheric disturbances by the data of ionosphere radio sounding stations

Oct 25, 2023

The program is aimed at identifying electron concentration variations in ionospheric F2 layer. They are considered as possible ionospheric precursors of earthquakes. Values of foF2 critical frequency of ionosphere vertical radio sounding stations were considered as the data for the analysis. One of the stations is the reference one. It is located in a seismically active region, in which seismic activity is monitored. Other control stations are located out of this region but in similar geomagnetic conditions. ...
Open day occasioned with Youth School

Oct 15, 2023

III Students Scientific-Educational Kamchatka Physics School with international participation was organized on the basis of the «Voskhod» Center for gifted children at Yuriy Gagarin Children Resting Camp on 9-13 October 2023 within the framework of the «Prioritet 2030» Program for strategic academic leadership. ...
V All-Russia Youth Scientific School «Geospheres and space» has completed its work

Oct 5, 2023

V All-Russia Youth Scientific School «Geospheres and space» was held on 2-3 October, 2023 at Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University. Leading specialists and young scientists in the field of investigation of geophysical fields, modeling of physical processes in different layers of the atmosphere, near space and solid Earth's participated in the School.
XIII International Conference «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquake Precursors» has completed its work

Oct 4, 2023

Based on the plan of meetings, conferences and workshops approved by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation, Far Eastern Bruch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKIR FEB RAS), Kamchatka, held the XIII International Conference «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquake Precursors» on 25-29 September 2023. ...
Program of the XIII International Conference «Solar-terrestrial relations and physics of earthquake precursors»

Sep 18, 2023


   Program of the XIII International Conference «Solar-terrestrial relations and physics of earthquake precursors» (25-29 September 2023, Paratunka, Kamchatskiy krai) has been published.


The paper «Stochastic Strike-Slip Fault as Earthquake Source Model» has been published» in Mathematics

Sep 18, 2023

It is known that the source of a tectonic earthquake in the framework of the theory of elasticity and viscoelasticity is considered to be displacement along a certain fault surface. Usually, when describing a source, the geometry of the fault surface is simplified to a flat rectangular area. The displacement vector is assumed to be constant. In this paper, we propose a model of an earthquake source in the form of a displacement with a constant vector along a stochastic uneven surface. A number of standard assumptions are made during the modeling. ...
Fractal Dimension of Geomagnetic Variations at Baygazan magnetic station has been calculated

Sep 9, 2023

The fractal dimension of geomagnetic field component variations (horizontal—H, vertical—Z and magnetic declination—D) at the Baigazan magnetic station at Russian Altay, for the period 2011–2013, were calculated using the Higuchi method. The daily variation of Higuchi Fractal Dimension (HFD) for the D, H, Z components of the geomagnetic field were investigated, and its contribution to the variability of HFD was found to be from 30 to 40 percent of the total variance. ...
Abstract collection of the XIII International Conference «Solar-terrestrial relations and physics of earthquake precursors»

Aug 30, 2023


   Abstract collection of the XIII International Conference «Solar-terrestrial relations and physics of earthquake precursors» (25-29 September 2023, Paratunka, Kamchatskiy krai) has been published.

A hybrid GPU-CPU effective realization of a parallel numerical algorithm has been developed

Aug 11, 2023

In the course of the cooperation between IKIR FEB RAS and Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University, a hybrid GPU-CPU effective realization of the parallel numerical algorithm of nonlocal finite-difference scheme for Cauchy problem solution for a nonlinear differential Riccati equation of fractional variable order has been developed. The paper shows a software code of the algorithm in C and CUDA C languages developed during the application of software-hardware OpenMP and CUDA architectures. ...
Participants of the ecological forum «Ecosystem. Reserved Territory» visited IKIR FEB RAS

Aug 3, 2023

Participants of the All-Russia Youth Ecological Forum «Ecosystem. Reserved Territory» visited Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS. An excursion program and a master class on geomagnetic field variation measurements were organized for the clubs "Green diplomacy", "Ecology and space", "Green technologies of the future". The participants got acquainted with the Institute's activities, listened to the scientific-popular lectures on solar activity and its relation to earthquakes, space weather and its effect on human life and visited the magnetic observatory.
Excursion for the participants of «Irkutsk – Fort Ross» has taken place

Jul 31, 2023

A goup of the participants of Irkutsk regional «Irkkutsk – Fort Ross» club visited IKIR FEB RAS. They arrived to Kamchatka within the Project «Along the route of St. Innokentiy (Veniaminov) and the governor-general Nikolay Murav'ev-Amurskiy». The director, Yu.V. Marapulets, told the participants about the institute's activities and about the solved scientific and applied tasks. The group visited the Laboratories of acoustic research, electromagnetic radiation and atmosphere physics and the Paratunka geophysical observatory.
Joint scientific investigations with Uzbekistan Republic continue

Jul 25, 2023

Within the framework of the Agreement on scientific cooperation, signed between IKIR FEB RAS and the Institute of Mathematics by V.I. Romanovskiy (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), the works in the field of mathematical investigations continue. A joint paper of the researchers of these institutes "Optimization of the Approximate Integration Formula Using the Discrete Analogue of a High-Order Differential Operator" by K. Shadimetov, A. Boltaev, R. Parovik has been published in Mathematics (July 2023) ( ...
Application for RSF grant has been supported

Jul 20, 2023

No. 23-71-01050 "Development of software complexes for modeling and analysis of radon volumetric activity as a precursor of strong earthquakes in Kamchatka», Project Leader: Tverdiy Dmitriy Aleksandrovich, Cand. of Phys.-Math. Sc., researcher of IKIR FEB RAS. The Project is aimed at the observation of radon emanation variations in the ground upper layer as an indicator of stress-strain environment state change. As the result of geo-environment compression or stretching, radon concentration changes that is reflected in its time series dynamics as anomalies of different form. ...
II International Seminar «Calculation Technologies and Applied Mathematics»

Jul 13, 2023

II International Seminar «Calculation Technologies and Applied Mathematics» was hold at Amurskiy State University in Blagoveshchensk on 12-16 June 2023. Far Eastern Center of Mathematical Survey FEFU is the organizer of the Seminar. The Seminar themes are related to mathematical and optimization modeling, intellectual analysis of data, high-performance computations and their applications. IKIR FEB RAS was represented by four sectional reports. IKIR FEB RAS researchers, G.M. Vodinchar, D.A. Tverdiy, E.A. Kazakov, participated in this event. ...
Marapulets Yu.V. made a presentation at the meeting of the Inter-Institutional Scientific-Technical Commission on Helio-geophysics

Jul 3, 2023

Presentation of the Director of IKIR FEB RAS, Marapulets Yu.V., on the subject «Evaluation of the state and perspectives for the development of IKIR FEB RAS observation network» was presented at the meeting of the Inter-Institutional Scientific-Technical Commission on Helio-geophysics on 29 June 2023. The following reports were discussed during the event: - Conception of formation of space segment for heliogeophysical monitoring and investigations. Reporter: Pen'kov Maksim Mikhailovich, Adviser to Director General of AO «TsNIImash», Cand. of Scie (Tech. ...
The workshop «Role of science and education in the achievements of strategic goals of Kamchatskiy kray» has been over.

May 22, 2023

Director of IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. of Sci (Phys.-Math.) Marapulets Yu.V., participated in the workshop devoted to the determination of the priorities of scientific-technical development of Kamchatka kray to realize the strategy of social and economic development. The event took place on 10-11 May 2023. Government Members of Kamchatskiy kray, heads of enterprises of the region economy leading branches, heads of the educational organizations and scientific institutes participated in the workshop «Role of science and education in the achievement of strategic goals of Kamchatskiy kray».
Scientific seminar of the International integrative scientific research laboratory of Kamchatka extreme events

May 18, 2023

Scientific seminar of the International integrative scientific research laboratory of Kamchatka extreme events (headed by Parovik R.I, Dr. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.)) took place on May 17, 2023 at Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University. The researchers of IKIR FEB RAS made two scientific presentations, based on dissertation investigations. Gapeev Maxim, post-graduate student of Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University, Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of acoustic investigations of IKIR FEB RAS. Title: "Stochastic surface movement as a model of earthquake source". Abstract. ...
Scientific delegation from IKIR FEB RAS visited the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

May 10, 2023

Scientific delegation from IKIR FEB RAS visited the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Director of the Institute, Marapulets Yuriy Valentinovich, headed the delegation. He made a presentation devoted to IKIR FEB RAS activities. In the course of the visit, the researchers discussed future development of scientific investigations in the field of space weather and solar-terrestrial interaction. As the result of the meeting, a project of memorandum of understanding, suggesting further cooperation, was approved.
The paper “Atmospheric Electricity Measurements in the Pacific Northwest, Russia ” has been published

May 5, 2023

The paper describes a complex for measuring the electrical parameters of the surface layer of the atmosphere. The complex has been successfully operating in Kamchatka since 1997. Basic principles of organization of such measurements and methods for their implementation under specific conditions are given. The main reactions of the electric field to meteorological phenomena as well as to seismic and space events are shown. ...
The paper “Resonant Scattering by Excited Gaseous Components as an Indicator of Ionization Processes in the Atmosphere” has been published

Mar 5, 2023

The paper presents the results of lidar sensing of the atmosphere at altitudes in the range of 25–600 km from the Kamchatka Lidar Station (53° N, 158° E) obtained in 2008–2022. The results of an analysis of the data of two-frequency lidar sensing of the thermosphere are given. The increased scattering at wavelengths of 532 and 561 nm is due to resonant scattering by excited atomic nitrogen and oxygen ions. Manifestations of resonant scattering in the middle atmosphere are also discussed. ...
Registration for the XIII International Conference «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors»

Mar 1, 2023

Dear Colleagues! Registration of participants and acceptance of abstracts are held from March 10 to May 15, 2023. XIII International Conference «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors» September 25-29, 2023
The paper «Hereditary mathematical model of the dynamics of radon accumulation in the accumulation chamber» has been published

Feb 2, 2023

The paper considers mathematical modeling to study the hereditary mechanism of the accumulation of radioactive radon gas in a chamber with gas-discharge counters at several observation points in Kamchatka. Continuous monitoring of variations in radon volumetric activity in order to identify anomalies in its values is one of the effective methods for studying the stress–strain state of the geo-environment with the possibility of building strong earthquake forecasts. ...
The paper «Implicit finite-difference scheme for a Duffing oscillator with a derivative of variable fractional order of the Riemann-Liouville type» has been published

Jan 23, 2023

In the result of the international cooperation between IKIR FEB RAS and the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, an article has been published. It considers an implicit finite-difference scheme for the Duffing equation with a derivative of a fractional variable order of the Riemann–Liouville type. The issues of stability and convergence of an implicit finite-difference scheme are considered. Test examples are given to substantiate the theoretical results. Using the Runge rule, the results of the implicit scheme are compared with the results of the explicit scheme. ...
The paper «Sound range AE as a tool for diagnostics of large technical and natural objects» has been published

Jan 22, 2023

The paper considers application of acoustic emission of the sound frequency range. This range is of current interest for the diagnostics of the stability of mountain slopes, glaciers, ice covers, large technical constructions (bridges, dams, etc.) as well as for the detection of rock deformation anomalies preceding earthquakes. Acoustic sensors, which can be used to record and to determine the directivity of acoustic emission of the sound frequency range, are under consideration. The structure of the system for acoustic emission recording, processing and analysis is described. ...
The paper «Modeling Locations with Enhanced Earth’s Crust Deformation during Earthquake Preparation near the Kamchatka Peninsula» has been published

Jan 9, 2023

In seismically active regions of the Earth, to which the Kamchatka peninsula refers, pre-seismic anomalies are recorded in different geophysical fields. One of such fields is the acoustic emission of rocks, the anomalies of which are recorded 1–3 days before earthquakes at the distance of the first hundreds of kilometers from their epicenters. Results of joint acoustic-deformation measurements showed that growth of geoacoustic radiation intensity occurs during the increase in the level of deformations in rock masses by more than one order compared to the background values. ...
Computer program «Modeling of dynamic processes in geospheres taking into account the heredity» has been developed

Dec 20, 2022

The software is aimed at automating the theoretical estimates, which are required to construct empirical laws for distribution of foreshock waiting times in the subduction zone of Kuril-Kamchatka island arc according to the seismic catalogue data of Kamchatka brunch of the «Geophysical Survey» Federal research center RAS ( ...
The paper «Adaptive approach to time-frequency analysis of AE signals of rocks» has been published

Dec 15, 2022

The paper describes a new adaptive approach to the investigation of acoustic emission of rocks, the anomalies of which may serve as short-term precursors of strong earthquakes. The basis of the approach is complex methods for monitoring acoustic emission and for analysis of its time-frequency content. Piezoceramic hydrophones and vector receivers, installed at the bottom of natural and artificial water bodies, as well as in boreholes with water, are used as acoustic emission sensors. ...
Studies of the fractional Selkov dynamical system to describe the self-oscillatory regime of microseisms

Nov 16, 2022

The paper describes a non-linear fractional Selkov dynamic system for mathematical modeling of microseismic phenomena. This system is a generalization of the previously known Selkov system, which has self-oscillatory modes and is used in biology to describe glycolytic vibrations of the substrate and product. The Selkov fractional dynamical system takes into account the influence of heredity and is described using derivative fractional orders. ...
«Catalogue of Geoacoustic Pulses» has been formed

Nov 11, 2022


   The data base was organized on the results of processing and analysis of geoacoustic pulses recorded by sound pressure receivers in Kamchatka. It contains time-frequency parameters and time-amplitude description of high-frequency geoacoustic emission pulses. The base is updated every week after data analysis and contains records from 2016 up to the present time.

Data base «Power of natural electromagnetic radiation recorded at Karymshina expedition site» has been registered

Nov 8, 2022


   The data base was organized on the basis of the analysis results of natural electromagnetic radiation recorded by VLF direction finder located at Karymshina expedition site in Kamchatka. It contains characteristics of natural electromagnetic radiation components recorded separately. The data base is updated every day and condatis records form 2017 up to the present time.

State registration certificate for the computer program «FDRE 3.0» has been received

Nov 2, 2022

The program makes it possible to obtain numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for fractional Riccati equation with nonconstant coefficients and variable fractional derivative. The numerical solution, implemented in the software, realizes approximations of fractional Gerasimov-Caputo differentiation. Approximations are performed by modified Newton method (MNM) and explicit finite-difference scheme (EFDS). ...
A hybrid method to analyze cosmic ray variations has been developed

Aug 29, 2022

Cosmic rays were discovered by the Austrian physicist Victor Hess in 1912 in a series of balloon experiments performed between 1911 and 1912. Cosmic rays are an integral part of fundamental and applied research in the field of solar–terrestrial physics and space weather. Cosmic ray data are applied in different fields from the discovery of high-energy particles coming to Earth from space, and new fundamental symmetries in the laws of nature, to the knowledge of residual matter and magnetic fields in interstellar space. ...
Time regularities in foreshock sequences have been studied on the bases of a fractional model for deformation process

Jul 6, 2022

The article considers the fractional Poisson process as a mathematical model of deformation activity in a seismically active region. The dislocation approach is used to describe five modes of the deformation process. The change in modes is determined by the change in the intensity of the event stream, the regrouping of dislocations, and the change in and the appearance of stable connections between dislocations. Modeling of the change of deformation modes is carried out by changing three parameters of the proposed model. ...
Fractal Properties of the Magnetic Polarity Scale in the Stochastic Hereditary αω-Dynamo Model have been investigated

Jun 16, 2022

We study some fractal properties of the hereditary αω-dynamo model in the two-mode approximation. The phase variables of the model describe the temporal dynamics of the toroidal and poloidal components of the magnetic field. The hereditary operator of the quenching the α-effect by field helicity in numerical simulation is determined using the Riemann–Liouville fractional differentiation operator. The model also includes a stochastic term. The structure of this term corresponds to the effect of coherent structures from small-scale magnetic field and velocity modes. ...
The paper «Application of the Explicit Euler Method for Numerical Analysis of a Nonlinear Fractional Oscillation Equation» has been published

Jun 1, 2022

In this paper, a numerical analysis of the oscillation equation with a derivative of a fractional variable Riemann–Liouville order in the dissipative term, which is responsible for viscous friction, is carried out. Using the theory of finite-difference schemes, an explicit finite-difference scheme (Euler’s method) was constructed on a uniform computational grid. For the first time, the issues of approximation, stability and convergence of the proposed explicit finite-difference scheme are considered. ...
The archive of the data base «Ionograms of ionosphere vertical sounding for 1970-1971 (Paratunka, Kamchatskiy kray)» has been put in order

Apr 29, 2022

IKIR FEB RAS has an archive of ionograms of Paratunka ionospheric site located at Paratunka, Elizovskiy raion, Kamchatskiy kray (52°58'23"N, 158°14'50"E.) for the period 1968-2000. The ionograms are stored on films, which are in the process of scanning. An example of a scanned fragment can be seen on the image below. The moment, ionograms, scanned from the films, in the form of jpeg. files are available for the period 1968-1071. When it is needed for scientific purposes, ionograms are digitized to determine the following characteristics: 1. ...
Possible applications of fractional Riccati equation for mathematical modeling of dynamic processes with saturation and memory effect have been found

Apr 15, 2022

In this study, the model Riccati equation with variable coefficients as functions, as well as a derivative of a fractional variable order (VO) of the Gerasimov-Caputo type, is used to approximate the data for some physical processes with saturation. In particular, the proposed model is applied to the description of solar activity (SA), namely the number of sunspots observed over the past 25 years. It is also used to describe data from Johns Hopkins University on coronavirus infection COVID-19, in particular data on the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan. ...
State registration certificate for the program «NM_data_analysis» has been obtained

Apr 4, 2022

The developed program «NM_data_analysis» realizes the method for neuron monitor data analysis and nonperiodic variation detection. It is based on joint application of packet wavelet decomposition, continuous wavelet transform and adaptive threshold functions. The program makes it possible to download neutron monitor data from a file in .txt format, to reduce noise, to detect nonperiodic variations and to estimate their intensity. The program allows a user to chose the wavelet decomposition level, threshold value and a moving time window size. ...
A wavelet model of geomagnetic field variations has been proposed

Apr 4, 2022

Geomagnetic data analysis is an important basis for the investigation of the processes in the near-Earth space, Earth magnetosphere, and ionosphere. The negative impact of geomagnetic anomalies on modern technical objects and human health determine the applied significance of the investigation and requires the creation of effective methods for timely detection of the anomalies. Priory complicated structure of geomagnetic data makes their formalization and analysis difficult. This paper proposes a wavelet model for geomagnetic field variations. ...
A mathematical model has been developed to describe the processes with saturation based on fractional Riccati equation

Feb 2, 2022

The article discusses different schemes for the numerical solution of the fractional Riccati equation with variable coefficients and variable memory, where the fractional derivative is understood in the sense of Gerasimov-Caputo. For a nonlinear fractional equation, in the general case, theorems of approximation, stability, and convergence of a nonlocal implicit finite difference scheme (IFDS) are proved. For IFDS, it is shown that the scheme converges with the order corresponding to the estimate for approximating the Gerasimov-Caputo fractional operator. ...
Joint investigations with the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been conducted

Jan 20, 2022

Geant4 simulation of precipitated activity-to-γ-dose rate conversion factors for radon and thoron decay products was realized together with the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Tomsk State University. The results of modeling the conversion factor from rainfall-deposited unit activity of gamma-emitting radon and thoron daughter decay products to their created gamma-radiation dose rate as a function of height above the Earth’s surface using the Geant4 toolkit are presented in this paper. Thin layers of water, soil, and air, with the height of 0. ...
Updated definitive magnetic observatory data of INTERMAGNET global observatory network for 1991-2018

Dec 9, 2021

The base of definitive magnetic observatory data of INTERMAGNET global observatory network was updated for 1991-2018 ( The data base obtained DOI to be used as a reference for citation. Following the DOI link, it is possible to access the data, their description and other INTERMAGNET resources.
Alan Thomson congratulated the observatories for the high standards in geomagnetic operations and data production

Dec 2, 2021


   A letter was received from the Chair of the Executive Council of INTERMAGNET, Alan Thomson, where he expresses his congratulations and thanks to the observatories and institutes for the highstandards in geomagnetic operations and data production.

Researchers of the Institute have received a Patent

Nov 29, 2021

A patent was received on the “Method for detection of acomplex earthquake precursor” developed by the researches of the Laboratory of Acoustic Investigations and the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Investigations of IKIR FEB RAS. The invention refers to the field of Geophysics, in particular, to geophysical signal processing and modeling. The known methods for detection of earthquake precursors, close to the current technique, assume application of only one geophysical parameter to make earthquake forecast. ...
A methodology for generation of shell turbulence model equations by computer algebra systems is described.

Nov 17, 2021

There is a great variety of shell turbulence models. Such models reproduce certain characteristics of turbulence. A model that could reproduce all turbulence regimes does not exist at the moment. Information about a particular model is contained in a set of persistent quantities, which are some quadratic forms of turbulent fields. These quadratic forms should be formal analogs of the exact conserved quantities. It is important to note that the main idea of Shell models presupposes a refusal to describe the geometric structure of movements. ...
The paper «Rainfall Intensity and Quantity Estimation Method Based on Gamma-Dose Rate Monitoring» has been published

Sep 25, 2021

The authors investigate the features of the atmospheric γ-background reaction to liquid atmospheric precipitation in the form of bursts, and analyze their various forms. A method is described for interpreting forms of the measured γ-background response with the determination of the beginning and ending time of precipitation, the distinctive features of changes in the intensity of precipitation and the number of single (separate) events that form one burst. ...
A new method to analyze geomagetic data and cosmic ray variations has been proposed

Sep 21, 2021

The potential use of the wavelet-decomposition method developed by the authors for the analysis of geomagnetic data and cosmic ray variations is studied. With the use of adaptive threshold functions, the method allows the isolation of nonstationary, short-period (from 1 × 10–3 Hz and greater) variations in the data and the estimation of their parameters. Data from a network of ground-based magnetometers ( and neutron monitors ( were used in the work. ...
The paper «Research of the hereditary dynamic Riccati system with modification fractional differential operator of Gerasimov-Caputo» has been published

Sep 16, 2021

In this paper, we study the Cauchy problem for the Riccati differential equation with constant coefficients and a modified Gerasimov-Caputo type fractional differential operator of variable order. Using Newton’s numerical algorithm, calculation curves are constructed taking into account different values of the Cauchy problem parameters. The calculation results are compared with the previously obtained results. The computational accuracy of the numerical algorithm is investigated. ...
A new method to detect sporadic effects has been proposed

Sep 15, 2021

An automated method for detecting multiscale sporadic effects in data from ground-based neutron monitors is proposed. The method is based on the wavelet transform and neural networks of learning vector quantization type (LVQ neural networks). The choice of Daubechies wavelets and Coiflets at the data preprocessing stage is justified. An algorithm for choosing the “best” approximating wavelet basis in the class of orthogonal functions is proposed. The effectiveness of the method as applied to the detection of small-scale sporadic effects is shown experimentally. ...
An automated method to analyse ionospheric parameters and to detect ionospheric inhomogeneities has been proposed

Sep 15, 2021

The paper proposes an automated method for analyzing ionospheric parameters and detecting ionospheric anomalies. The method is based on a generalized multicomponent model of ionospheric parameters (GMCM) developed by the authors. The model identification is based on an integrated approach combining the wavelet-transform methods with the autoregressive-integrated moving average models (ARIMA models). The paper provides estimates of the method efficiency, describes the operations of detecting ionospheric anomalies and evaluating their parameters. ...
Updated INTERMAGNET reference data set

Sep 7, 2021

INTERMAGNET Reference Data Set for 1991-2017 has been updated ( The data base obtained DOI to be used as a reference for citation. Following the DOI link, it is possible to access the data, their description and other INTERMAGNET resources.
DynHeredOscil program has been developed

Aug 31, 2021

The program was developed at the Laboratory of Physical Process Modeling by the Leading researcher, Vodinchar G.M., Cand. of Phys.-Math.Sci. (PhD). It is intended for numerical modeling of dynamic regimes in a hereditary oscillator associated with two-mode model of alpha-omega-dynamo. The basis of the program is the model representation of two-mode alpha-omega-dynamo with hereditary suppression of alpha-effect by field spirality. Functions with exponential and degree asymptotic can serve as the suppression functional kernel. ...
A program for automatic generation of different classes of turbulence cascade models has been developed

Aug 24, 2021

The program was developed at the Laboratory of Physical Process Modeling by the Leading researcher, Vodinchar G.M., Cand. of Phys.-Math.Sci. and the Researcher, Feshchenko L.K., Cand. of Phys.-Math.Sci. The program generates classes of turbulence cascade models satisfying any given conservation law sets. Choice of a model within these classes can later be specified using additional physical arguments, for example, existence of a given distribution of interaction probabilities of any shells. ...
Adams-Bashfort-Mowlton method was applied to the numerical study of linear fractional oscillators models

Jul 18, 2021

The paper presents a numerical analysis of the class of mathematical models of linear fractional oscillators, which is the Cauchy problem for a differential equation with derivatives of fractional orders in the sense of Gerasimov-Caputo. A method based on an explicit nonlocal finite-difference scheme (ENFDS) and the Adams-Bashfort-Moulton (ABM) method are considered as tools for numerical analysis. An analysis of the errors of the methods is carried out, it is shown that the ABM method is more accurate and converges faster to an exact solution than the ENFDS method. Parovik R. ...
A new mathematical model of economic cycles and crises has been proposed

Jul 14, 2021

The paper proposes a new mathematical model of economic cycles and crises, which generalizes the well-known model of Dubovsky S.V. The novelty of the proposed model lies in taking into account the effect of heredity (memory), as well as the introduction of harmonic functions responsible for the arrival of investments in fixed assets and new management technologies in innovation. The mathematical description is given using the Gerasimov-Caputo fractional derivatives, which are studied within the framework of the theory of fractional calculus. ...
A new mathematical model of economic cycles and crises has been proposed

Jul 14, 2021

The paper proposes a new mathematical model of economic cycles and crises, which generalizes the well-known model of Dubovsky S.V. The novelty of the proposed model lies in taking into account the effect of heredity (memory), as well as the introduction of harmonic functions responsible for the arrival of investments in fixed assets and new management technologies in innovation. The mathematical description is given using the Gerasimov-Caputo fractional derivatives, which are studied within the framework of the theory of fractional calculus. ...
An algorithm for reconstructing the temporal evolution of the ambient equivalent γ-radiation dose rate during rain has been developed

Jul 11, 2021

With regard to reconstructing the gamma background dose rate, existing models are either empirical with limited applicability or have many unknown input parameters, which complicates their application in practice. Due to this, there is a need to search for a new approach and build a convenient, easily applicable and universal model. The paper proposes a mathematical model for reconstructing the temporal evolution of the ambient equivalent γ-radiation dose rate during rain episodes, depending on the density of radon flux from the soil surface, as well as the duration and intensity of rain. ...
Modelling the magnetic field generation modes in the low-mode model of the αΩ-dynamo with varying intensity of the α-effect

Jun 24, 2021

In the framework of the αΩ-dynamo model a magnetohydrodynamic system (MHD- system) with an included additive correction of the α-effect intensity in the form of a function Z(t) is considered. The variation of the α-effect intensity with time is determined by the exponential kernel J(t) of the function Z(t). A preliminary analysis of the changes influence in the values of the mass density of external forces and the α-effect intensity on the values of the magnetic field and the velocity field is carried out. ...
The paper «On analysis of signals of seismic acoustic emission of surface sedimentary rocks in Kamchatka» has been published

Jun 7, 2021

In Kamchatka, at the observation point “Karymshina”, using a measuring system based on a three-component piezoceramic seismic receiver, the signals of seismoacoustic emission of near-surface sedimentary rocks are monitored. At the output of the measuring system, an oscillatory acceleration is recorded in the frequency range of 0.5-400 Hz. The analysis is based on records of seismoacoustic signals from several regional earthquakes in 2019 with an energy class of Ks > 10:0. ...
Pre-seismic anomalies in electromagnetic radiation signals and geoacoustic emission have been analyzed

Jun 3, 2021

The paper considers pre-seismic anomalies in the signals of electromagnetic radiation in a very low frequency range and geoacoustic emission recorded in Kamchatka in 2013. Signs of anomaly occurrence in the studied signals and peculiarities of their manifestation were revealed. Using the epoch folding method, joint analysis of the detected pre-seismic electro-magnetic and geoacoustic anomalies was carried out. The estimates of occurrence probability for such anomalies of the considered geophysical fields are presented. Lukovenkova O. O., Malkin E. I., Mishchenko M. A., Solodchuk A. A. ...
Investigation results of the Laboratory of Acoustic Research have been published

Jun 1, 2021

The paper presents the results of applying a developed approach based on sparse approximation methods for time–frequency analysis of geoacoustic data. A sparse representation of the geoacoustic signal and the developed adaptive matching pursuit algorithm are described using the combined dictionary of Ber- lage and Gauss functions. The results of the time–frequency analysis of geoacoustic signals are presented. The features revealed by the proposed approach that arise in the time–frequency structures of geoacoustic data before earthquakes are shown. ...
A hybrid model of complex-structure time series has been proposed

May 19, 2021

A hybrid model for the time series of complex structure (HMTS) was proposed. It is based on the combination of function expansions in a wavelet series with ARIMA models. HMTS has regular and anomalous components. The time series components, obtained after expansion, have a simpler structure that makes it possible to identify the ARIMA model if the components are stationary. This allows us to obtain a more accurate ARIMA model for a time series of complicated structure and to extend the area for application. To identify the HMTS anomalous component, threshold functions are applied. ...
A method for construction of nonlinear approximating scheme of a complex signal, based on wavelet packets, has been developed

Apr 29, 2021

A method for identification of structures of a complex signal and noise suppression based on nonlinear approximating schemes is proposed. When we do not know the probability distribution of a signal, the problem of identifying its structures can be solved by constructing adaptive approximating schemes in an orthonormal basis. The mapping is constructed by applying threshold functions, the parameters of which for noisy data are estimated to minimize the risk. ...
The paper «Resonant Scattering by Excited Gaseous Components as an Indicator of Ionization Processes in the Atmosphere» has been published

Apr 7, 2021

The results of lidar sensing of the atmosphere at altitudes in the range of 25–600 km from the Kamchatka Lidar Station (53◦ N, 158◦ E) obtained in 2008–2022 are presented. The results of an analysis of the data of two-frequency lidar sensing of the thermosphere are given. The increased scattering at wavelengths of 532 and 561 nm is due to resonant scattering by excited atomic nitrogen and oxygen ions. Manifestations of resonant scattering in the middle atmosphere are also discussed. ...
The paper «Longitudinal variations of geomagnetic and ionospheric parameters in the Northern Hemisphere during magnetic storms according to multi-instrument observations» has been published

Mar 12, 2021

The paper presents a joint analysis of longitude-temporal variations of ionospheric and geomagnetic parameters at middle and high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere during the two severe magnetic storms in March and June 2015 by using data from the chains of magnetometers, ionosondes and GPS/GLONASS receivers. We identify the fixed longitudinal zones where the variability of the magnetic field is consistently high or low under quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions. ...
The paper «On a Finite-Difference Scheme for an Hereditary Oscillatory Equation» has been published

Mar 11, 2021

The paper proposes an explicit finite-difference scheme for numerical simulation of the Cauchy problem with an integro-differential nonlinear equation that describes an oscillatory process with friction and memory (hereditarity), and with the corresponding local initial conditions. The problems of approximation, stability, and convergence of the proposed finite-difference scheme are investigated. The results of computer experiments that implement the proposed numerical scheme, confirming the theoretical estimates obtained in theorems, are given. Parovik R. ...
The Project «Complex analysis of acoustic and electromagnetic signals to estimate seismic hazard level and prevent natural and technogenic catastrophes» has been completed

Dec 25, 2020

A scientific group, headed by Dr. Marapulets Yuriy Valentinovich, has completed the works on the Project «Complex analysis of acoustic and electromagnetic signals to estimate seismic hazard level and prevent natural and technogenic catastrophes» supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation Grant. The main results were published in the book «Complex analysis of acoustic and electromagnetic signals to estimate seismic hazard level» (Marapulets Yu.V., Senkevich Yu.I., Lukovenkova O.O., Solodchuk A.A., Larionov I.A., Mishchenko M.A., Malkin E.I., Shcherbina A.O., Gapeev M.I. ...
Fetisova N.V. has defended her candidate thesis

Oct 15, 2020

We address our congratulations to Fetisova N.V. with successful defense of her candidate thesis. The thesis subject is «Modified multicomponent model and algorithms for ionospheric parameter analysis» on the specialty «Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes». Thesis abstract is available at.
The XI International conference «Solar-terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquake Precursors» has been over

Sep 30, 2020

The event took place on September 22-25, 2020 hosted by the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS (Kamchatka). About 200 researchers from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, Taiwan, Japan, China, USA and India participated in it. ...
Congratulations to Fetisova Nadezhda for the victory in ITNT-2020!

Jul 20, 2020

VI International Conference and a Youth School «Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies» (ITNT-2020) took place on May 26-29 2020 on the basis of Samara National Research University by S.P.Korolev and the Institute of image processing systems RAS, a branch of FNITs «Crystallography and photonics» RAS. The scientific forum united more than 500 researchers (320 from which are young researchers up to 35 years old) from 62 cities of Russia, Great Britain, China, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Finland, India, Pakistan, Iran, Moldova and many others. ...
Congratulations to Fetisova Nadezhda for the victory in ITNT-2020!

Jul 20, 2020

VI International Conference and a Youth School «Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies» (ITNT-2020) took place on May 26-29 2020 on the basis of Samara National Research University by S.P.Korolev and the Institute of image processing systems RAS, a branch of FNITs «Crystallography and photonics» RAS. The scientific forum united more than 500 researchers (320 from which are young researchers up to 35 years old) from 62 cities of Russia, Great Britain, China, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Finland, India, Pakistan, Iran, Moldova and many others. ...
Registration for the XI International Conference «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors»

Mar 1, 2020

Dear Colleagues! Registration of participants and acceptance of abstracts are held from March 1 to April 30, 2020. XI International Conference «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors» 22-25 September, 2020
XI International Conference «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors»

Jan 2, 2020



  XI International Conference
 «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors»
  22-25 September, 2020




Preliminary registration for the X international conference is extended

Apr 30, 2019

Dear Colleagues!


 Preliminary registration

for the X International Conference  «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquake Precursor»

is extended until May 15, 2019.

III All-Russia School for Young Researches «Geospheres and Space»

Mar 27, 2018

According to the Plan of meetings, conferences and workshops approved by the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS holds III All-Russia School for Young Researches «Geospheres and Space» on October 22-23, 2018 devoted to the 60-th anniversary of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at «Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University». The official languages of the School are Russian and English. ...
IX International Conference

Mar 27, 2018



  IX International Conference
 «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors»
  17-21 October, 2018




COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop in IKIR

Jan 26, 2016

COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop will take place in IKIR.

Registration is opened.

Info for participants can be found on the site

Observatory "Paratunka" now is a member of Intermagnet

Oct 28, 2013


Application of observatory "Paratunka" has been acknowledged by Intermagnet.


VI International Conference

Jan 21, 2013



VI International Conference
 «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors»
  9-13 September, 2013




V International Conference

Dec 29, 2009



V International Conference
 «Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors»
  2-7 August, 2010