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- Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS
The dynamics of cosmic ray (CR) variations during magnetic storms of different strength was under investigation. Neutron monitor data from highlatitudinal and polar stations were used. Events of 2019–2022 were analyzed. The analysis was based on the hybrid method developed by the authors. It includes application of the SSA (Singular Spectrum Analysis) of nonlinear schemes in a wavelet bases. The investigation showed the presence of anomalies (Forbush effects) of complicated form in CR variations before magnetic storms. The anomalies were generated during CME arrivals and increase in IMF southern component fluctuations. During low-strength events, local increases in CR intensity were observed. During moderate magnetic storms, long anomalous decreases (Forbush decreases) were observed. CR variation components having strong correlation with Dst index were also detected during the study. The results confirm the importance of taking into account the CR dynamics in magnetic storm forecast methods.
Mandrikova, O., Mandrikova, B. Analysis of cosmic ray variations during geomagnetic storms in 2019–2022. In: Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquake Precursors. STRPEP 2023. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham. 2023, pp. 131-140. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-50248-4_14