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Если Вы ощутили землетрясение, пожалуйста, сообщите о нёмJoint Anomalies of High-Frequency Geoacoustic Emission and Atmospheric Electric Field by the Ground–Atmosphere Boundary in a Seismically Active Region (Kamchatka)
- Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS
- Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS
The authors generalize and analyze the investigation results of joint anomalies of high-frequency geoacoustic emission and atmospheric electric field by the ground–atmosphere boundary which were detected by them in Kamchatka. These anomalies are observed as geoacoustic emission increases in kilohertz frequency range and bay-like decreases of atmospheric electric field with the sign change which occur close in time during calm weather conditions. It is the authors’ opinion that the common nature of these anomalies is short-time stretching of the near-surface sedimentary rocks at an observation site during unstable tectono-seismic process.
A scheme of the detected anomalies formation has been suggested.
Marapulets, Y.; Rulenko, O. Joint Anomalies of High-Frequency Geoacoustic Emission and Atmospheric Electric Field by the Ground–Atmosphere Boundary in a Seismically Active Region (Kamchatka) // Atmosphere 2019, 10, 267. DOI: 10.3390/atmos10050267.