The paper «High-Altitude Discharges and Whistlers of Volcanic Thunderstorms» has been published in «Atmosphere» Journal

The work was carried out by a team of the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Radiation of IKIR FEB RAS: Researcher E.I. Malkin; Main Researcher, Dr. Of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) B.M. Shevtsov; Leading Researcher, Cand. Of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) N.V. Cherneva; Junior Researcher E.A. Kazakov and the Researcher of Eotvos Lorand University (Hungary) J. Lichtenberger.

The results of the observations of atmospherics and whistlers initiated by high-altitude electrical discharges that occurred during the eruption of the Kamchatka volcanoes (Bezymianny and Shiveluch (Russia)) on 7 and 10 April 2023 are presented. Recording of atmospherics and associated whistlers was carried out by a VLF (very low frequencies) radio direction finder. Two-hop whistlers were identified by dispersion coefficient, which corresponded to the double passage of the signal from Kamchatka to Australia and back. The heights of the electric discharges were determined by means of interferograms of direct and reflected from the ionosphere radiofrequency atmospherics. The high-altitude distribution of an electric discharge is obtained, the penetration of which into the ionosphere is responsible for the generation of whistlers. The characteristics of volcanic electrical discharges and whistlers can be used to estimate the height of an explosive eruption.

The paper is available at the link.

Paper reference: Malkin, E.I.; Shevtsov, B.M.; Cherneva, N.V.; Kazakov, E.A.; Lichtenberger, J. High-Altitude Discharges and Whistlers of Volcanic Thunderstorms. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 1503.
