Analysis of the data of IMF Bz and AE index for the period 1999-2018

  1. Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS


Solar-terrestrial relations are a part of space weather and they make significant impact on technosphere functioning. Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) parameters measured at Lagrange point L1 show the beginning of possible changes in geophysical fields. The paper analyzes statistically IMF Bz component (shows the level of impact on the Earth magnetic field) and AE index (used to estimate the energy contribution into magnetosphere and ionosphere). Using the apparatus of regression analysis and wavelet transform, time series were estimated. Regression models of IMF parameters and AE index were developed for the period 1999-2018.

Polozov Yu. Analysis of the data of IMF Bz and AE index for the period 1999-2018 // XI Anniversary International Conference “Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquake Precursors”. E3S Web of Conferences. - 2020. - V. 196. 02005. DOI: