Modeling and analysis of ionospheric parameters based on multicomponent model

  1. Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS

The results of modeling and analysis of ionospheric parameters during disturbed geomagnetic field are presented. Hourly and 15-min data of the ionospheric critical frequency (foF2) at Paratunka site (Kamchatka, Russia, 53.0 N and 158.7 E) for the period 1968–2019 were applied. The modeling was based on ionospheric parameter multicomponent model developed by the authors. In order to refine model parameters, three classes of anomalies were introduced. They characterize strong, moderate and weak ionospheric disturbances. On the basis of the modeling, we detected short-period ionospheric disturbances of moderate and weak intensity, preceding magnetic storms. They characterize occurrences of oscillatory processes in the ionosphere at the background of increased solar activity. Comparisons with the International Reference Ionosphere model (IRI-2016) and the median method were made. That showed the efficiency of the proposed model. For automatic performance of the approach, computational solutions were suggested to detect and to estimate ionospheric disturbance parameters.

Oksana Mandrikova, Nadezhda Fetisova Modeling and analysis of ionospheric parameters based on multicomponent model // Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2020. Vol. 208. P. 105399. DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105399.