Influence of a single lightning discharge on the intensity of an air electric field and acoustic emission of near-surface rocks

  1. Institute of Cosmophysical Researches and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS

The effect was observed as a sharp fall of the electric potential gradient from +80 V m−1 down to –21 V m−1. After that the field returned to its normal level according to the formula of the capacitor discharge with 17 s characteristic time. Simultaneously, the response of the acoustic emission of surface rocks in the range of frequencies between 6.5 kHz and 11 kHz was evaluated.


Smirnov, S.E. and Marapulets, Y. V.: Influence of a single lightning discharge on the intensity of an air electric field and acoustic emission of near-surface rocks, Solid Earth, 3, 307-311, 2012.