Some aspects of investigation of limit cycles of fitzhugh-nagumo oscillator with degree memory

  1. Kamchatka State University named after Vitus Bering
  2. Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS

In this paper, oscillograms and phase trajectories are constructed using numerical simulation to study the limiting cycles of a nonlinear FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillatory system with power memory. The simulation results showed that in the absence of power memory (α=2, β=1) or the classical dynamic FitzHugh-Nagumo system, there is a single stable limit cycle, i.e. the Lienard theorem is fulfilled. In the case of viscous friction (α=2, 0< β<1), there is a family of stable limit cycles of different shapes. In other cases, the limit cycle destroyed according to two scenarios: Hopf bifurcation (limit cycle-limit point) or (limit cycle-aperiodic process). Further continuation of the research may be related to the construction of the spectrum of maximum Lyapunov exponents for a purpose of identifying chaotic oscillatory regimes for the considered hereditary dynamic system (HDS).

Lopko O.D., Parovik R.I. – Some aspects of investigation of limit cycles of fitzhugh-nagumo oscillator with degree memory // JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES. - 2018. С. 012125.