О трехмерной вязкоупругой модели Максвелла для фрактальной среды

  1. Институт космофизических исследований и распространения радиоволн ДВО РАН

Real materials and medium have and of its structure at different scaling. Model of that materials may be fractal structures. Fractal properties of medium define stress field. Linear reological models of strain-stress state have exponential solution. At present paper 3d reological viscoelastic model for fractal medium is represented. One of mathematical methods for modeling fractal space is fractional differentiation. Viscoelastic Maxwell's model is used Caputo's derivative instead of classical one. Parameter of Caputo's derivate is connected with relaxation of strain field at fractal medium. Maxwell's reological model can be verify by geoacoustic emission intensity, which interconnects with strain-stress state of sedimentary rocks. It gives opportunity to know strain state of medium by means of geoacoustic emission intensity.

Пережогин А.С., Шевцов Б.М. – О трехмерной вязкоупругой модели Максвелла для фрактальной среды. // СОЛНЕЧНО-ЗЕМНЫЕ СВЯЗИ И ФИЗИКА ПРЕДВЕСТНИКОВ ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЙ Сборник докладов V международной конференции. - 2010. С.183-184.