Power interchange between seismic and hydroacoustical waves in the transition zone of Posyet Bay

  1. V.I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute FEB RAS

On the basis of the experiment results on investigation of seismic waves by a seismoacoustic emitter and
registration of surface waves by a laser strainmeter and hydroacoustic waves by a laser measurer of hydrosphere
pressure variations showed that the emitted oscillations are presented both in the Earth’s crust and in water
medium. Thus oscillation spectra in both media practically coincide, that indicates the linear character of the
process of acoustic energy transformation. In the Earth’s crust there is a signal at the frequency of emanation
and at its harmonicses, and in water medium there is a signal at the fundamental frequency and at even
harmonics, and a signal at odd harmonics is weak. During theoretical estimation of quantity of seismic wave
energy, transforming into the energy of hydroacoustic waves, it was established that about 0,3 percent of the
emitted surface waves transform into the energy of hydroacoustic waves. And there is no dependence of quantity
of the transformed energy from the frequency in the considered frequency range (10-20 Hz), the basis for which
is the established fact of linearity of transformation process.
Work was financially support by the RFBR grants (№09-05-00597, №09-05-01089), FEB RAS grants (I, II,
III sections) and GC №02.740.11.0341.