Collection of scientific papers «Hereditary models of dynamic processes in geospheres» has been published in the form of a monograph by Springer publishing house

Scientific editors are: Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Physical Process Modeling of IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor of FEB RAS Roman Ivanovich Parovik and the Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) by I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent (Uzbekistan Republic), Dr. Of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Rakhimzhon Temirbekovich Zunnunov.

The book describes the results of the investigations by a scientific group of IKIR FEB RAS for 2022-2023 according to the Russian Scientific Foundation Grant No. 22-11-00064. The subject is «Modeling of dynamic processes in geospheres taking into account the hereditarity».

The book includes 10 chapters, each of which is a separate scientific paper to be indexed in Scopus base.

The collection presents new mathematical models and methods for analysis of dynamic processes of the Earth’s geospheres for forecasting natural and man-caused hazards taking into account the hereditarity factor.

It is known that many natural, technical and social systems have the hereditarity (memory) property, at which present dynamic characteristics of a system depend on its whole preceding history. Such properties are modeled mathematically by introducing integral equations (memory functional) with difference kernels. Thus, consideration of hereditary factors impact in the dynamics of processes and systems also determines the investigation topicality.

The topic is devoted to the study of various dynamic processes in geospheres using mathematical modeling. The dynamic processes discussed in the book are: geomagnetic dynamo, geoacoustic emission, microseismic vibrations, deformation processes, solar activity, seismic activity, processes of transfer and accumulation of radon concentration. Some of these dynamic processes, having the hereditary effect, are studied for the first time.

The research methods are based on the following sections of mathematics: mathematical and functional analysis,equations of mathematical physics, differential equations and their systems, integro-differential equations, fractional calculus, vector analysis, computational mathematics and numerical methods. Moreover, methods of object-oriented programming and parallel programming are used.

It should be noted that the research used the principle of the model-algorithm-program triad. Therefore, one of the chapters of the book is devoted to computational algorithms with the possibility of parallelization. The presented numerical algorithms can be reproduced or adapted for other analogous processes.

A reader will become familiar with new models of geodynamic processes with hereditarity and approaches to their analysis. The book provides comprehensive information about the processes under the study and methods for their research. All necessary references are provided, including those defining the current state of knowledge on this issue.

The details of the paper collection are available at link.

