Special issue of the “Bulletin KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences” is available on the Journal site. It is devoted to the 300-year anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Over the 14 years of existence, the Journal has been developing sustainably owing to the authors and readers, the geography of the participants and of the editorial board has expanded, the reviewing base has been formed, citation indexes has grown, the Journal is included now in more than 30 citation bases, all the papers has DOI digital identification number.

The fourth issue of 2024 contains the papers of the scientists from the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS. The results of these papers were obtained within the framework of the State Task No. 124012300245-2 and the Russian Scientific Foundation Grant No. 22-11-00064 during the reporting year. The issue presents 15 papers by 20 authors, among which four authors are the Doctors of Sciences, twelve authors are the Candidates of Sciences, four authors are young researchers, postgraduates, researchers without degrees.

Full issue is available at link.


The Journal “Bulletin KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences” is included into the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (No. 411 of the list from December 31, 2023) where the main scientific results of the dissertations for the Candidate or Doctor degrees are published. The Journal is also included into international reference bases of data and citation systems (MathSciNet and zbMath) and, according to the Table of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, has K1 category.

The main sections of the Journal correspond to the following codes of scientific disciplines:

  • Mathematics (1.1.1. Real, complex and functional analysis;  1.1.2. Differential equations and mathematical physics);
  • Mathematical modeling (1.2.2. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes);
  • Informational and computational technologies (1.1.6. Computational mathematics;  2.3.5. Mathematical and software support of computational systems, complexes and computer networks);
  • Physics (1.3.3. Theoretical physics;  1.3.6. Optics; 1.3.7. Acoustics;  1.3.8. Physics of condensed state;  1.6.9. Geophysics; 1.6.18. Sciences on atmosphere and climate);
  • Measurement instrumentation and methods (1.3.2. Instrumentation and methods of experimental physics;  2.2.4. Instrumentation and method of measurements (according to measurement types);  2.2.8. Methods and instrumentation of control and diagnostics for materials, goods, substances and natural environment).

The Journal “Bulletin KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences” is open to access. Full texts of the Journal issues are also available on Math-Net.Ru. Mathematical Portal 

The Editorial Board are interested in further cooperation, formation of a wide high-professional scientific group of authors publishing papers in the Journal, and in formation of sustainable readership.