Researchers of IKIR FEB RAS participated in the IX International Scientific Conference «Topiclal issues of applied mathematics and information technologies — Al-Khorezmi 2024»

The event took place on October 22-23, 2024 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan Republic, at the faculty of Applied Mathematics and Inteligent Technologies of Mirzo Ulugbek National University and was devoted to the 650-year anniversary of birth of Mirzo Ulugbek.

Aims of the conference are the investigation and popularization of the scientific heritage of the great scientists Musa Al-Khorezmi and Mirzo Ulugbek, discussion of the current state and perspectives of development of applied mathematics, information technologies, mathematics and its directions. The main aim of the Conference is establishment of scientific close communication between scientists from different countries.

From IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Roman Parovik, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Modeling of Physical Processes, and Cand. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Dmitriy Tverdiy, Researcher of the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Radiation, made presentations at the Conference.


In the Section «Mathematical Modeling», R. Parovik presented the following reports:

1. Modeling Artificial Whistlers In PyCharm.

2. Study Of Fractional Nonlinear Van Der Pol-Airy Oscillator Using ABMVAFracSim Software Package.

3. Study Of Fractional Nonlinear Mathieu Oscillator Using ABMMathieuFracSim Software Package.

The presentations were carried out within the IKIR FEB RAS State Task No.124012300245-2.



Moreover, the report «Software Package "ABMSelkovFracSim 1.0" for Studying the Dynamic Selkov System of Fractional Variable Order with Non-Constant Coefficients» was presented within the RSF Grant No. 22-11-00064:1.

One more report «Mathematical Modeling of Neuron Self-Oscillations in a Cell Membrane Using the FitzHugh-Nagumo Fractional Model with a Stimulus Intensity Function» was made within the Framework of the Agreement on cooperation between IKIR FEB RAS and the Mirzo Ulugbek National University (Tashkent, Uzbekistan Republic).

In the Section «Differential equations and mathematical physics equations. Reverse and ill-conditioned problems», Cand. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) D. Tverdiy made the following presentations:

1. Restoration of the Values Fractional Derivative Variable Order in the Heredity Mathematical Model of the Volumetric Radon Activity on the Basis of Data from Kamchatka Monitoring Points (RSF Grant No. 22-11-00064.).

2. Stripe Model of the Propagation of Pulsed VLF Radiation in Near of Areas of Inhomogeneous Electrical Conductivity of the Earth of the Natural Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide (IKIR FEB RAS State Task No. 124012300245-2).


We should note that the Conference was also devoted to the 85-year anniversary of birth of Prof. Aripov Mersaid Mirsiddikovich, the specialist in the field of mathematical modeling, information safety and information technologies. He founded the leading scientific school on mathematical modeling in Uzbekistan. Aripov M. is a member of the editorial board of the Journal «Bulletin of KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences».


Details of the Conference are available at