Software for analogue-digital conversion of geophysical measurement complex has been developed

The author is the Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of System Analysis of IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Smirnov Sergey.

The software has been developed for analogue-digital conversion of 16-channel signal with the sampling frequency of 1 sec and higher by the LCARD AD converter. It is operating continuously in the observatory regime and makes it possible to control the quality of the obtained data by third-party programs.

The software is used at the observatory and at expedition geophysical sites and can be used in other regions.

Functional capabilities of the software are: makes conversion in a separate flux with higher priority, builds graphs of the measurements performed, forms diurnal data files, allows third-party programs to have access to the obtained data. Each data record from 16 channels has its own time tag linked to PC system time. Through the configuration files, the software reflects the values either in AC converter conditional units or in the physical quantities of the measurements carried out in 16 channels separately.
