The honorary title "Professor of FEB RAS" was conferred to the Leading Researcher of IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. of Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Parovik Roman Ivanovich

The honorary title was established in October 2023. According to the corresponding policy directive, it is conferred at a general meeting of the Far Eastern Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences to the Russian Scientists who work in the regions of the Far East, in particular, in Primorskiy, Khabarovskiy, Kamchatskiy kray, Amurskaya, Sakhalinskaya, Magadanskaya oblast, in Evreiskaya avtonomiya and Chukotskiy avtonomniy okrug.

Candidates should have scientific achievements of national and international levels, participate in the realization of the main tasks and functions of FEB RAS, have the scientific degree of the Doctor of Science, be not older than 50 years old and correspond to a series of other criteria, which are described in detail in the policy directive on the Honorary Title "Professor of FEB RAS".

Among the obligations for those who has the honorary rank are: participation in the realization of expert tasks of RAN, promotion of the relations between science and education, popularization of science, participation in the preparation of top-qualification researchers and others.

The honorary rank "Professor of FEB RAS" was conferred to 20 Far Eastern scientists at the general meeting of FEB RAS on 22 May 2024.

In this list, the Leading Researcher of IKIR FEB RAS, Dr. Of Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Parovik Roman, is the only scientist from Kamchatksiy kray.

Our congratulations!

