«Acoustic pulse database obtained in the result of investigations of geomaterials in three-point bending experiments» has been formed

The database was organized on the basis of the results of laboratory three-point bending experiments carried out with granite samples. Sample structure transforms when subjected to loading and deformation in the course of the experiments. As the consequence, acoustic emission is observed. It is characterized by acoustic pulse series. An acoustic pulse database was formed for further qualitative analysis and comparison of results. The databases contains amplitude-time descriptions and types of acoustic pulses, the bearing of their sources.

Database application field is the investigation of the deformation process of different geomaterials on different scales.

Authors: Leading Researchers of the Laboratory of Acoustic Research, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Larionov Igor Alexandrovich, and Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Mishchenko Mikhail Alexandrovich.
