Categorization of the Scientific Journal «Bulletin of KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences»

A system for categorization for Russian scientific journals has been introduced in Russia. The matter concerns a list of scientific journals, which are recommended by the Higher Attestation Committee (HAC), to publish academic dissertation results that is required in order to be allowed to defend one’s work. Such journals are divided into groups depending on their significance in the scientific community. Journal scientific citation index, authors’ authoritativeness level, paper uniqueness and quality, reviewing organization level, paper page views during a year will be taken into consideration for rating. The detailed procedure of categorization will be determined by the Ministry of Education and Science.

According to the final distribution, the list includes 2906 journals which are divided into three categories. Division of the scientific journals, included into the scientometric data basis, into categories within the Higher Attestation Committee journal list was implemented according to the following table:


Thus, the scientific journal «Bulletin of KRASEC. Physical and mathematical sciences», the co-founder of which is IKIR FEB RAS, refers to K1 category (indexed in MathSciNet and zbMATH data bases).
