The program has been developed to identify seismic-ionospheric disturbances by the data of ionosphere radio sounding stations


   The program is aimed at identifying electron concentration variations in ionospheric F2 layer. They are considered as possible ionospheric precursors of earthquakes. Values of foF2 critical frequency of ionosphere vertical radio sounding stations were considered as the data for the analysis. One of the stations is the reference one. It is located in a seismically active region, in which seismic activity is monitored. Other control stations are located out of this region but in similar geomagnetic conditions. The results of program performance are the following: identification of the time and duration of foF2 critical frequency disturbance for the reference station; assessment of the empirical dependence connecting earthquake epicentral distances and the lead times of foF2 critical frequency disturbances of earthquake times with their energy; estimate of the occurrence probability for a seismic event within a given energy range in the seismically active region based on the identified disturbance of foF2 critical frequency at the reference station.

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