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Computer program «Modeling of dynamic processes in geospheres taking into account the heredity» has been developed
The software is aimed at automating the theoretical estimates, which are required to construct empirical laws for distribution of foreshock waiting times in the subduction zone of Kuril-Kamchatka island arc according to the seismic catalogue data of Kamchatka brunch of the «Geophysical Survey» Federal research center RAS ( The algorithm for construction of foreshock sequences and the empirical function of distribution of foreshock occurrence relative frequency depending on time to the main event of a given energy class were developed on the basis of foreshock regime statistical model. The software can be used for other regions if data representation in a seismic catalogue is similar to that accepted in Kamchatka brunch of FRC RAS. The functional capabilities of the program are the following: the software constructs event distribution according to energy classes and foreshock sequences for a given class of main events, calculates foreshock general statistics, given class foreshock statistics, distribution function of foreshock waiting time. The program was developed in the form of a separate executable module and does not require any special software.