Experimental investigation of infrared radiation in the atmosphere

  1. Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS,
  2. Scientific Research Nuclear Institute Moscow State University
  3. Institute of Cosmophysical Reseach and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS

Before earthquakes the generation of mosaic dispersed non-stationary regions of increased ionization and a
strong quasi-stationary electric field and infrared radiation in the atmosphere may be expected. Considering
possible upward air currents the appearance of infrared radiation sources may be expected at the heights up to
10 km. In the report we suggest a method of a remote diagnostics of electric fields and of infrared radiation
sources dispersed in the atmosphere. This method allows us to conduc a remote monitoring of infrared radiation
regions in transparent bands with the wavelengths of 7-9 and 10.3-15 mkm; correspondingly the appearance of
spectral bands of infrared radiation over the area of earthquake preparation for СО2, NO2, CH4, O3 may be
expected. To make earthquake prognosis it is necessary to carry out continuous double-point observations of
infrared radiation during atmosphere scanning at different heights of infrared radiation regions, to analyze their
spectrums and to obtain information on infrared spectrum thin structure and modification in time from fractions
of seconds to some seconds. Laboratory modeling of atmospheric infrared radiation sources and formation of
corresponding infrared spectrums in the electric fields from 2 102 to 106 V/m are carried out. Spectrums of non-
self-maintained discharge in the atmosphere and of infrared radiation in the wavelength range from 1 to 15 mkm
are investigated. We intend to analyze modifications of spectrums of absorption and of molecule vibrational
level radiation into a flash chamber of oxygen-, hydrogen- and carob-containing substances in various propor-
tions. In the result of the performed work radiation spectral ranges during small modifications of atmosphere
content will be determined. To perform this experiment we constructed a unit for registration of radiation and
absorption spectrums in the range of wavelengths of 0.3-16 mkm, with the possibility to carry out experiments
in the pressure range of 0.1-1 atm, and with the possibility to control the injection of different gases, aerosols,
fluids into a working chamber and an absorption cell. Initiation of a non-self-maintained discharge is performed.
BRUKER IFS 66 V/8 is used as an optical spectrometer, it allows us to study radiation and absorption spec-
trums. We intend to develop and to install the equipment for the analysis of infrared light region spectrums
during circle atmosphere scanning in a seismically active zone in Kamchatka and to carry out first observations.