The influence of the processes of earthquake preparation on the ionosphere sporadic Es layer parameter variations

  1. Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya 10, Moscow, Russia
  2. Institute of Astrophysics, Bucharskaya str. 22, Dushanbe, Tadjikistan

Analysis of the data obtained at the stations of vertical sounding in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy and Dushanbe
showed that 1-3 days before crust events with depths H<80 km the occurrence frequency of Es-scattering in-
creases at near midnight hours, that characterizes the increase of ionosphere E-layer plasma turbulization. The
effect can be observed if the distance from an epicenter to the vertical sounding station R is bigger than the area
of earthquake preparation by not more than 150 km. The area of earthquake preparation was calculated by
Dobrovolsky’s formula Ro=exp(M) km. The days with the solar and geomagnetic disturbances were excluded
from the analysis.