Modern methods of the electromagnetic processes research before earthquakes

  1. Pushkovs Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Science, IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Moscow region
  2. Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation Far-East Branch of Russian Academy of Science, IKIR, Paratunka, Kamchatka’s region
  3. Eotwos University, Budapest, Hungary
  4. Center of Cosmic Investigations of NASU and NCAU, Naukova 5, Lviv

Basic principles of the search methodology of earthquake (EQ) predictions have been already formulated
under the following conditions: a proper choice of some observation point and fixed parameters; several extrac-
tion methods of key parameters; some sign criterion as a combination of time sequences of key parameters [1].
In order to discover such precursors, it is necessary to understand their nature in more detail. With this aim,
in parallel with the cosmic experiment preparation, several intensive works were successfully realized during 10
years by leading scientists and specialists from both Pushkov’s Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere
and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS at Troitsk and the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave
Propagation from the Far-East Branch of RAS in Kamchatka region. The aforementioned scientific program
has included necessary measurements of quasi-static electromagnetic fields and VLF as well as special magnetic
and ionospheric investigations. It has been revealed that the apparent velocity of the precursor propagation
in electric fields and with ionosphere parameters is, roughly speaking, the same, so coinciding approximately
with 1 m/s [2]. That is confirmed by ionospheric EQ precursors on Japan Islands in Pacific Ocean [3] and so
geophysical and biological precursors investigations [4], including Earth currents measurements [5]. This fact,
that different processes are controlled by the same time scales is attested about their analogy nature, however
dependence of this moving from the Earth surface properties is not jet stated. At present there have been de-
veloped special satellites, main goal of which is to look EQ-precursors (Demeter, Compass-2). The first results
of Compass-2 satellite have been presented in the report. Satellite measurements allow us to carry out global
control seismic situation under consideration. But some difficulty arises here due to slow time varying effects
of EQ preparing and quick flight of satellite. It requires the developing of additional detection methods.
1. Gufeld, L.I. Seismic Process Physical-chemistry Aspects RSA, Academia of Cosmonavtics, IPE, Moscow,
pp.153 (2007)
2. Mikhailov, Yu.M. On the properties of earthquake precursors in the electrostatic field of the surface atmo-
sphere. Phys.Solid Earth. 43, N.4. 336-339 (2007).
3. Korsunova, L.P., Khegai,V.V. Seismoionospheric Effects of Strong Crustal Earthquakes in the Pacific Region.
Geomagn.Aeron. 45, N.5, 706-711 (2005).
4. Sidorin, A.Ya. Dependence of appearance time of Earthquakes precursors of epicenter distance. Reports of
RAS. 245, N.4. 825-828 (1979).
5. Zubkov, S.I. About dependence time and radius of electrotelluric precursors from energy of earthquake.
Phys. of Earth. N.5, pp.101-106 (1987).