First estimations of disturbances of the upper atmospheric density above seismoactive regions on the base of measurements by spaceborne accelerometers

  1. Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
  2. STC ”Cosmonit”

Precursor effects of earthquakes at various highs of the atmosphere reveal themselves as variations of pa-
rameters both of charged component and of neutral component. A few days before strong earthquakes the
disturbances of electron density and the temperature of charged particles were noted over and over in the
upper atmosphere, so as variations of density of neutral component, which can be registered using the space-
borne accelerometers. In the proposed work the rows of data of accelerometer “Cactus” from the space craft
“Castor” were analyzed using the model of isothermic atmosphere. The days with geomagnetic disturbances
were excluded from the analysis. Anomalous disturbances of the atmospheric density on the average 4-5 days
before strong crust earthquakes were revealed above seismoactive regions. The results of searching of seismo
orbital effects on the base of observations of objects in the near-Earth’s space using the system North American
Aerospace Defense ( NORAD ) are presented. These effects confirm the hypothesis on the disturbances of the
neutral component in the near-Earth’s space before strong earthquakes.