Results of investigation of geoacoustic emission direction at the site Mikizha

  1. Institute of Cosmophysical Researches and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS

Investigation of the direction of geoacoustic radiation was carried out at "Mikizha" site by a receiving system
which allows us to define the direction of acoustic wave energy arrival and to analyze the character of particle
motion of a medium by vector-phase methods. A combination vector receiver is used as an acustic receiving
device. A method for automatization of detection, high-precision determination of the direction to the radia-
tion source and analysis of geoacoustic pulse flow is developed; it was realized in a hardware-software complex.
During the evaluation of acoustic radiation direction the notions of integral and differential geoacoustic activity
were used. The first value is pulse repetition rate depending on time. The second one is directional distribution
of pulse repetition rate. Investigation of geoacoustic emission direction were carried out both in calm periods,
when there were no deformation and meteorological disturbances, and in the periods of increase of the emis-
sion level in a daily interval before seismic events. In the result it was established that during the increase of
emission intensity by more than one order clearly defined maximums appear in the direction of longitudinal
oscillations. Using their direction we can evaluate the orientation of the axis of rock maximum compression
near the observation site.