Electromagnetic fluctuations in the ionosphere-magnetosphere circuit

  1. Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radiowave Propagation, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences

The observation method of electromagnetic fluctuations in the range of the geomagnetic pulsations, based
on the registration of electrojet variations in ULF-VLF hissings band, modulated presumably by these electro-
magnetic fluctuations, is offered. Observations of the natural noises in Kamchatka electric networks allowed
us to detect anomalous disturbances in the frequency range of 2-19 kHz. There is a fluctuation process in the
structure of the disturbances with average frequency of 38*10-3 Hz, caused, likely, by electrojet current structure
variations. The seasonal dependence of the time of disturbance registration is the additional confirmation of this
assumption. It is shown, that these registered fluctuations in the range of (35÷67)*10-3 Hz are possible in the
ionosphere-magnetosphere fluctuation circuit formed by force magnetic tubes (inductance) and electrojet-Earth
region (its capacity).