Time-varying problem of wave’s reflection at non-homogenous medium with fractal properties

  1. Institute of Cosmophysical Researches and Radio Wave Propagation Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

A nonstationary problem of wave reflection in non-homogenous medium with fractal properties is investi-
gated. An equation of back-scattering operator for non-homogenous dispersion medium is obtained via invari-
ant immersion. In this case electromagnetic induction has additional item, which includes characteristic of a
medium. Medium fractal properties associated with relaxation process of induced electric polarization which is
determined by oscillator equation with fraction order are considered. Numerical solution of back-scattering op-
erator is calculated. This solution corresponds to the response of medium on delta wave irradiation. Variations
of that response of a medium on a falling delta impulse depending on the value of fractional oscillator equation
are discussed.