About the peculiarity of research of thin multifractal structure of ionospheric turbulence

  1. Radiophysics Research Institute, Nizhny Novgorod

We discuss the peculiarities of the research of thin multifractal structure of a developed ionospheric turbu-
lence by the methods of multidimensional structure functions and modulus maxima of wavelet transform by
the means of remote sounding of ionospheric plasma by in-orbit satellite signals. It is shown that diffraction
effects during radio wave propagation in the ionosphere lead to "a blur" of a thin quasi-singular structure of
ionospheric turbulence and to the inability to diagnose it by these methods during ground recept of satellite
signals. To study the multifractal structure of the ionospheric turbulence we suggest to apply direct sound
measurements of electron density fluctuations with high frequency samples along the trajectory of a satellite
directly into the ionosphere.
The work was supported by RFBR N09-02-97026r-povolzhie-a.