Variations of aeroelectric field of mid-latitude observatories

  1. Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS
  2. Geophysical observatory Borok- Branch of the Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS

Using the observatory database and the results of seasonal field observations a comparative analysis of quasi-
stationary state and the dynamics of atmospheric electrical field of mid-latitude observatories: GО «Borok»,
Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS [580 04 N, 380 14 E], and «Paratunka» observatory, Institute of Cosmo-
physical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS [520 58 N, 1580 15 E] was carried out for the years
1998-2009. A significant linear trend of mean month values of the field intensity Ez in Paratunka, located in
an active geodynamic region on Kamchatka, was detected. According to the ground observations of <Borok>
observatory for the period under consideration it was revealed that the variations of mean month values of Ez
are stationary relative to the average. It was shown that the seasonal variation of the field for the mid-latitude
observatories is similar. Characteristic morphological peculiarities of changes were investigated and statistical
regularities of variations of atmospheric electrical field in the range of temporary scales from several seconds up
to one year were analyzed. Estimations of the effects of global and regional generators in the forming of daily
and seasonal dynamics of Ez were carried out.
The work is carried under the financial support of RFBR (grant N 09-05-00888)