The results of investigation of the relation between the disturbances of high-frequency geoacoustic emission and electric field in the near ground air at the station Mikizha

  1. Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS
  2. Institute of volcanology and seismology FEB RAS

Geoacoustic emission in the frequency range 2.0-6.5 kHz, electric field in the near ground air, and meteoro-
logical parameters were simultaneously measured at "Mikizha" observation point, located 28 km to the west-
south-west of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, in summer-autumn 2006-2008. Using the nonparametric method of
correlation analysis by Spirmen, the relation between the series of hour average values of all the parameters
was studied. It was determined that the greatest disturbances of geoacoustic emission and electric field of me-
teorological origin are caused by rain and wind. In order to exclude them only events without rain, strong and
moderate wind, low atmospheric pressure were analyzed. In the result, highly significant negative relation was
discovered between geoacoustic emission disturbances and electric field. Authors think that it was determined
by deformation of near surface sedimentary in the area of "Mikizha" observation point during the measure-
ments. The discovered relation indicated one more manifestation the lithosphere influence on the near ground
atmosphere in a seismically active region.